Avengers Assemble #5
Marvel Comics
Written by Steve Orlando
Art by Jose Luis
Inks by Oren Junior
Colors by Sonia Oback
Letters by Cory Petit
The Rundown: The team fights an ally as the Serpent Society prepares to release a dangerous toxin.

The Serpent Society prepares to release their toxin on the population after infecting Captain America and turning him into a rampaging snake monster. The Avengers put up a fight to stop the terrorists but the might of the Serpent Society might be too much for them as they find themselves fighting Steve Rogers as well.
The team rallies to take on their enemies while Wonder Man does something drastic to attempt to neutralize the Serpent’s Tears while Night Thrasher and Hawkeye attempt to bring down Steve Rogers. As the tide turns in the battle, the Serpent Society begins to question if their patron has abandoned them.
The Story: Orlando delivers a thrilling conclusion to this arc. I really enjoyed the narration and how it added to the hopeful tone of the story among the tension and thrills of the story. There is some great action throughout the story and Orlando really gets what makes these characters engaging and how well they interact with each other. The story is fun and enjoyable and creates some great moments that make me want to see more from this team.
The Art: Luis delivers great art throughout the issue. I love the classic look of the art in the issue and how visually fun and thrilling the action is.