Alien #3

Marvel Comics

Written by Phillip Kennedy Johnson

Art by Julius Ohta

Colors by Yen Nitro

Letters by Clayton Cowles

The Rundown: Steel Team meets a group of survivors and form a plan to find an alien egg.

After a run in with aliens, the members of Steel Team find themselves getting backup from some unexpected survivors on the planet. The team is brought to their secret location where they learn that there are more survivors on the planet, including children. Unfortunately, the synthetics find that they are not wanted or liked on the planet.

After convincing their leader Melody that they are there to help them if they can get an egg to take back with them, Melody and a small team takes them to where the aliens are nesting. As they infiltrate the nest, one of the humans gets infected by something discovered on the planet while Melody decides to betray the synths by locking them in with the queen.

The Story: Phillip Kennedy Johnson ramps up the drama and the intrigue in this issue. The survivors are interesting and layered. Their interactions with the synths are well done and create great drama throughout the issue. I love the slow build up of tension throughout the issue and the ending was fantastic.

The Art: Ohta delivers some beautifully detailed and thrilling art on every page of the issue and I love the design of both the aliens and the alien queen.

Alien #3



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