Ain’t No Grave #2
Image Comics
Written by Skottie Young
Art by Jorge Corona
Colors by Jean-Francois Beaulieu
Letters by Nate Piekos
The Rundown: Ryder confronts a town of undead in her mission to confront death itself.

Ryder’s mission to challenge death finds her confronting a town full of undead who warn her about her mission. After she violently shows her disinterest, a series of wanted posters with her face on them appear from the sky. Posters that force her to fight for her failing life as she thinks of another dark moment from her past.
After finding a place to hide, she finds another undead man who has some information that might help her. Information that will bring her on a harrowing chase through the town before making her way to the water and another part of her journey.
The Story: Young delivers awesome action throughout this follow up issue. Ryder is an interesting and complicated character and the issue shows that she is definitely not the hero of the story. Her complicated nature allows for some great drama in the story and there is a wonderful sense of desperation to her actions that create an intriguing and engaging story that I am interested in seeing more of.
The Art: Corona delivers beautifully detailed art throughout the issue with awesome action and visual thrills. A fantastic looking issue from start to finish.