A Haunted Girl #4

Image Comics

Written by Ethan Sacks and Naomi Sacks

Art by Marco Lorenzana

Colors by Andres Mossa

Letters by Jaime Martinez

The Rundown: Cleo battles the demon that wants her power to take over the world.

Cleo travels with the ghost boy who has been trying to help her and the pair find themselves at the bottom of an abandoned mental hospital before being attacked by Izanami who wants to use her power to shatter the barrier between the land of the living and the dead.

As the creature begins to drain the life force from Cleo, her father and therapist find her friend and using help from the woman who knows Cleo’s tragic past, the group makes their way to the hospital and a final confrontation with Izanami.

The Story: The Sacks’ bring this story to an entertaining and thrilling conclusion. The story takes some interesting turns and I really enjoyed the final reveals within the plot and how that reveal informs the rest of the story.

The Art: Lorenzana delivers some beautiful art in the issue. The visual form of Izanami is brilliantly scary.

A Haunted Girl #4



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