Time Before Time #3

Image Comics

Written by: Declan Shalvey and Rory McConville

Art by Joe Palmer

Colors by Chris O’Halloran

Letters by Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou

The Rundown: Tatsuo and Naomi try to find a way to escape their Union captors.

During a flashback, in the year 2038, Tatsuo’s kind action causes conflict among his Syndicate peers. As a result, he is forced to retract a promise. In the present, the year is 2093, and Tatsuo and Naomi are prisoners of the Union. Tatsuo offers valuable information in exchange for their lives. Later, Tatsuo and Naomi have a conversation in which Naomi discloses her backstory. Afterwards, the duo learn they have been ordered to accompany Rosalyn on a mission. On their way to a travel station, a conflict breaks out. Naomi and Tatsuo then find themselves in an unexpected predicament, and must decide how to proceed.

The Story: Shalvey and McConville have created an episode that is filled with intrigue and plot twists. While I am definitely interested in Tatsuo and Naomi’s struggle for survival, I am also interested in the two smuggling gangs. This chapter hints at a larger issue that is occurring between the warring groups. It will be interesting to see if either group is serving a higher purpose. Or, if self interest and capital gain are the main drivers of their smuggling activities.

The Art: Palmer uses detailed, traditional drawings that cater to character expression and form. This is complimented by the bold color work of O’Halloran. The result is a visually appealing issue with stylings reminiscent of newspaper comic strips.

Time Before Time #3



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