Star Wars The High Republic #6

Marvel Comics

Written by Cavan Scott

Art by Jim Towe and Laura Braga

Colors by Jim Campbell

Letters by Ariana Maher

The Rundown: Keeve’s team encounters a mysterious man as they continue to be hunted by a child of the storm.

The twins find themselves facing off against the mysterious stranger who helped them survive the Nameless attack. A stranger carrying a Sith weapon and the lightsaber of a Jedi. Someone with a connection to the Force and a past on Jedha with master Vildar.

A past that will show how a younger Tey Sirrek became disillusioned with the ineffectiveness of the council on Jedha and sought out the ancient Sith weapon as a means of stopping a powerful mob enforcer from stealing from the locals. A weapon that will cause tension between him and the person he loves.

The Story: Scott creates and entertaining story in this issue. I like seeing this seasoned and mysterious version of Sirrek and how his evolution ties into a previous story from Scott regarding Jedha and Vildar. There are some great moments for the characters throughout the issue and enough tension to make me interested in the next part of this story and how it affects the characters.

The Art: Towe and Braga deliver some beautiful art in the issue. The visuals are lively, colorful and brilliantly capture the action of the story.

Star Wars The High Republic #6



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