Sparrowhawk_002_PRESS_1Sparrowhawk #2

Boom! Studios

Written by Delilah S Dawson

Art by Matias Basla

Colors by Rebecca Nalty

Letters by Jim Campbell

Artemesia has completed her first kill and the transformation that is overtaking her is something she still doesn’t understand. Her companion Crispin has goaded her into doing something she never thought she was capable of and he’s not finished with her. He informs her that the Wild Hunt is after her and the two make their escape, but not before Art makes another kill to save them both.


On the road to an unknown location, Art and Crispin come across the prince of the Unseelie and Art finds it difficult to stop from killing him as well. Her taste for killing continues to grow as well as her ability to justify the killing that she does. Both Crispin and the Prince try to steer her in opposite ways, but when she wakes up she will discover that something has become very different about her.

This story is getting really good and the fact that this issue is playing out like a morality tale is something that adds an additional layer of drama to the story. Dawson does a great job with the dialogue as well and using both the prince and Crispin as opposite forces is a great character device that engages the reader in Art’s journey.

Basla’s art is sublime. I enjoyed the style of the art immensely. Everything was detailed and beautiful with complemented the story well.

sparrowhawk #2




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