Shadow of the Golden Crane #1
Dark Horse Comics
Written by Chris Roberson
Art by Michael Avon Oeming
Colors by Chris O’Halloran
Letters by Clem Robins
The Rundown: Hellboy and his team travel to Portland to stop a rampaging monster with a connection to Susan’s past.

Susan Xiang is the head analyst of the intelligence division of the BPRD and receives a vision with a connection to her ancestors and a mysterious society in China called the Golden Crane Society. Her vision brings her face to face with Hellboy as she insists on accompanying him and Agent Koestler into the field for their trip to Portland to stop a monster rampaging through the streets.
As Hellboy fights the creature and Koestler offers supernatural support, Susan sees something that reminds her of a case from the Golden Crane Society. A case that is connected to an artifact one of their best warriors procured during her time and connected to an event from Susan’s past.
The Story: Roberson delivers a satisfying and exciting return to the world of Hellboy. The story is engaging and entertaining. The characters are compelling and I love the history being presented throughout the plot and what it means for the characters, especially Susan. The first issue immediately hooked me into the series and I cannot wait to see what happens next and how the story unfolds.
The Art: Michael Avon Oeming delivers some fantastic art throughout the issue. I love the visual style and how visually immersive and engaging every page is.