Scarlet Witch & Quicksilver #4

Marvel Comics

Written by Steve Orlando

Art by Lorenzo Tammetta

Colors by Frank William

Letters by Ariana Maher

The Rundown: Wanda and Pietro fight to bring down the Wizard and the power he serves.

Trapped beneath the waves, Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch have only moments to figure out a means of escape with Vision doing what he can to hold back the power of the ocean itself that Wizard wields to destroy the twins. Wanda finally tells the truth about the letter from their father and Pietro confronts her about the power she needs to use to free them.

After finding a way to confront the Wizard and his forces, Vision uses the chaos to investigate the source of Wizard’s powers only to discover a bigger threat that is coming for Wanda. A threat that could end all existence if the Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver don’t stop it first.

The Story: Orlando brings this story to an action packed and thrilling conclusion. I loved the tone of the story and how the characters interacted with each other. The dynamic between the twins continues to fascinate me and the drama with the Magneto letter was the perfect addition to the bigger issues between them. I liked seeing them confront a threat that must work together to overcome and there is a moment towards the end of the issue that confronts the truth about these characters and how dangerous they can be. I can’t wait to see more adventures with them.

The Art: Tammetta delivers some beautiful art in the issue. The visuals are dynamic, detailed and perfectly capture the action of the story as well as the characters.

Scarlet Witch & Quicksilver #4



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