Outsiders #6

DC Comics

Written by Jackson Lanzing and Collin Kelly

Art by Robert Carey

Colors by Valentina Taddeo

Letters by Tom Napolitano

The Rundown: The Outsiders find themselves between worlds and discover the truth about one of their own.

Lucius Fox had a vision and has dedicated time, money and resources into discovering the truth behind it. A truth that will cause him to create the Outsiders and personally hire Drummer to be a part of it. As they utilize the machine Lucius has invested so much in, they find themselves being pulled outside of reality.

The four of them find themselves in a world filled with some familiar if forgotten faces. Faces that will force Drummer to go on a personal mission that will reveal the truth about her to the rest of the team.

The Story: Lanzing and Kelly craft a weird and engaging story in this issue. It’s a fantastic fourth wall break story that reveals some interesting story elements and secrets the characters have been holding onto since the beginning of the series. I really love the connections to Planetary as well as the cameos throughout the town. The story is filled with interesting moments and raises some interesting questions going forward, especially in regards to Drummer and the truth about her.

The Art: Carey delivers some beautifully detailed art throughout the issue. The visuals are fantastic and showcase some wonderful fourth wall moments that drew me in.

Outsiders #6



1 Comment

  • Allen Francis

    April 9, 2024 - 8:09 pm

    Too many characters in this comic book and it does not justify its own existence.

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