Review can also be found at Review written by Deron of the Super Powered Fancast
Written by:Sam Humphries
Art by: Eduardo Pansica, Julio Ferreira,
Simon Baz and Jessica Cruz are still learning what it takes to wear the rings of the Green Lantern Corps and the awesome responsibility that it brings. Complicating matters is a rogue Guardian named Rami who is on the run with the “Phantom Ring”, a ring that can generate all of the powers of every lantern good and evil. Seriously, for an intergalactic law enforcement agency, they sure do have a lot of Guardians going rogue. They might want to invest in some kind off screening process. The revelation of the Phantom Ring gets the young lanterns pondering whether or not they were entrusted with the right color for their rings and they both start to wonder if they should wield the Phantom Ring instead. While Baz and Jessica are awaiting instruction from Hal, a mysterious man has his own plan for the Phantom Ring and causes a diversion, calling the lanterns away in order to steal the ring for himself.
Pansica’s artwork is stunning as he is able to visually convey the power of the Green Lanterns in both scale and through action. Humphries delivers a really good beginning story arc with this mystery man and his benefactor, but the concept of a ring that can do anything without evaluating the bearer can be both an interesting plot to explore and annoyingly convenient plot device to exploit. It will be interesting to see where they go with this and I anticipate next month’s issue.
Green Lanterns #10 gives us impressive visuals and deeper character development for Baz and Jessica. The mystery villain has potential to be either formidable or annoying based on what was presented so far. Solid first part of the story.