Local Man #10

Image Comics

Written by Tim Seeley and Tony Fleecs

Art by Tim Seeley and Tony Fleecs

Colors by Brad Simpson and Felipe Sobreiro

Letters by

The Rundown: Jack leaves town as things continue to get stranger in the wake of an attack.

In the wake of the attack on Farmington, Jack and the town gather to bury Jack’s father. With his mother not knowing what she’ll do, Jack drops another bomb on her by telling her he must leave. A move that will be forced by the local sheriff department attempting to arrest him at the funeral.

After shacking up with an ex for a while, Jack gets a call from the priest in his hometown begging him to come home. After making his way back to Farmington, Jack discovers that the town is repaired and thriving. He will also discover that the people in it are acting very differently than they did when he left.

The Story: Fleecs and Seeley continue to craft a wildly entertaining and engaging story in this issue. I love the unexpected twists the story takes consistently because I never know what’s going to happen next. There is a wonderful sense of suspense and mystery to this issue and Jack’s interpersonal conflicts never cease to entertain.

The Art: Fleecs and Seeley deliver fantastic art throughout the issue. The visuals are fun and engaging while bringing some great nostalgia for the 90’s era art styles.

Local Man #10



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