Knight Terrors: Batman #1

DC Comics

Written by Joshua Williamson

Art by Guillem March

Colors by Tomeu Morey

Letters by Troy Peteri

The Rundown: Batman is forced to confront his personal fears in a world of nightmares.

Insomnia has attacked and put the entire world to sleep. With Deadman animating Batman’s body, Bruce is trapped in his own nightmare world facing the event that shaped him as a boy. Knowing where he is and what he is, he fights back using all of the skills he developed to protect himself from those who would exploit his fear.

Unfortunately, Insomnia has a very specific goal. One that will require the hero to tell him where the Nightmare Stone is and Insomnia will do whatever it takes to get the information.

The Story: Williamson takes the reader through some familiar territory in this issue, but it is done in a clever way to tie it into the bigger Knight Terrors storyline. The story is another look at the events that created Batman with the dark knight navigating it as a child and it does what it is supposed to do without really doing much to move the bigger arc along. It’s a passable story of the fears within Batman. The Insomnia character doesn’t really do much, but the end was interesting in its twist.

The Art: March delivers some fantastic art in the issue. The nightmare quality of the visuals works perfectly with the story and I love the details on every page and in every panel.

Knight Terrors: Batman #1



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