The Dark Knight detective is currently battling the Designer and his plans for Gotham City. The Clown Prince of Crime is preparing to unleash havoc in the upcoming “Joker War” and Batman’s deadliest foe has a new partner in chaos ready to put all his plans into action.



Created by writer James Tynion IV and artist Jorge Jimenez, Punchline made her debut in Batman #89, but the upcoming Batman #92 will pit the Joker’s former partner Harley Quinn against her replacement Punchline in what promises to be a face-off for the ages.

According to writer James Tynion IV, “Years ago, Harley was in that role in Joker’s gang, but she’s never going back. I wanted to have a character to bounce off of the Joker, and work as a foil for him in a radically different way than Harley Quinn. Why is she in this game? What is her relationship with the Joker? What does she think about Harley Quinn? We’ll be answering all of that and more as the story progresses. Stay tuned!”


Artist Jorge Jimenez said of his design for the character; “As soon as I read the description, I was very clear on what I wanted to do: the anti-Harley Quinn. Could there be anything more fun? I added freckles that give personality to her face, and I have noticed that it is fashionable in makeup to place a point just below the eye, and I thought it would be super cool to add this to her cold and tenebrous look. As soon as I finished the drawing, I felt that this was just what James was looking for, and I was very happy when I found out that I was right.”

Batman #92 is set to be released April 1, 2020.

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