Ghostbusters: Back In Town #1

Dark Horse Comics

Written by David M. Booher

Art by Blue Delliquanti

Colors by Mildred Louis

Letters by Jimmy Betancourt

The Rundown: The Spengler’s and Gary move into the firehouse to begin their new lives as Ghostbusters.

In the wake of their adventures in Oklahoma, the Spengler’s and Gary have traveled to New York to take up residence in the old firehouse and take over the family business as Ghostbusters under the watch of Winston and Janine. A move that includes Phoebe enrolling in school and Trevor being forced to make a decision about his life.

At the same time, the power issues plaguing the firehouse lead to some strange outages as well as other issues and the nascent Ghostbusters will discover quickly that their new headquarters and home is haunted by something that will need busting.

The Story: Booher creates an entertaining story that transitions from the events of Afterlife into a story that bridges the gap before Frozen Empire. The characters are entertaining and I like seeing them deal with their new reality and dynamics while also tackling the reality of being Ghostbusters.

The Art: Delliquanti delivers some impressive visuals in the issue. The art has a fun, light quality that captures the lighter tone of the story.

Ghostbusters: Back In Town #1



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