Far Sector #4

DC Comics

Written by NK Jemisin

Art by Jamal Campbell

Letters by Deron Bennett

The Rundown: Lantern Mullein’s defense of the protesters will put her into conflict with the council that invited her as forces study the hero for any weaknesses.

With dozens of dead and wounded protesters behind her, Mullein stands defiant against the security forces tasked with killing them. As she shows them a small use of her power to let them know she means business, they security officers finally stand down, but not without noting that there are limits to the Lantern’s power.


Mullein goes to see the Council to determine why they are ordering the deaths of unarmed civilians, but her trip contains a side mission to visit the widow of the first victim where she discovers that the protests are not random and will not stop. After confronting the Council, the Lantern will discover that not only are the protests and murders not isolated incidents, but they have a long history in the Far Sector itself.

The Story: Jemisin doesn’t hold back either the politics or the passion in this issue. There are so many moments relevant to society reflected in this story and each is handled in a way that made me think and contemplate. The characters continue to be compelling, especially Mullein and you can feel her isolation in the story as well as feel for her situation as forces ally against her. I love the tension throughout this story and continue to look forward to everything challenging this series brings out.

The Art: Jamal Campbell’s art is truly breathtaking. Every panel is filled with vibrant beauty and motion. I am blown away by the action, but the characters stand out brilliantly on every page. I love the art style immensely.

Far Sector #4




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