765081._SX1280_QL80_TTD_Doctor Strange #15

Marvel Comics

Written by Mark Waid

Art by Barry Kitson and Scott Koblish

Colors by Brian Reber

Letters by Cory Petit

The Rundown: Strange must find a way to defeat Dormammu and remove Galactus from the Mystic Realms before his final evolution puts all reality into chaos.


Dormammu has captured Stephen and tricked Galactus in one move with the help of an unseen ally. In order for Strange to escape, he needs to play to Dormammu’s greatest weakness, his ego.

At the same time, Clea and Umar are captured as they attempt to create a coalition of magical beings to take on Galactus and Strange is forced to make a deal with an enemy in order to free them. As the boundaries between science and magic continue to fray, Galactus begins to harness and embrace his new power as the masters of magic and science across the universe begin to feel the effects.

The Story: Barry Kitson and Mark Waid continue to build on the momentum of this storyline with some impressive character moments and dialogue. Expanding the story outward while keeping it focused on Strange is a great narrative choice and it shows the reader the scope and scale of the battle ahead. Kitson and Waid take the story in some entertaining and interesting directions while they set up other interesting stories to come for Strange.

The Art: Kitson and Koblish deliver some great art throughout this issue with impressive splash pages full of action and details to a beautiful conclusion that teases some amazing visuals to come.

Doctor Strange #15




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