Captain Marvel #40

Marvel Comics

Written by Kelly Thompson

Art by Alvaro Lopez and Juan Frigeri

Colors by Jordie Bellaire

Letters by Clayton Cowles

The Rundown: Carol’s trial takes an interesting turn as she begins to remember.

The magical beings who have put Carol on trial continue to watch her deal with the scenario they have placed her in. One that requires her to make a different choice, but one she continues to fail in the eyes of Amora. As Carol changes one of the outcomes of the dragon fight, Wanda argues that Carol has earned her freedom. At the same time, Carol tries to change the cycle of violence that she seems to be a consistent part of.

When Enchantress decides that she wants to push Carol a little harder out of revenge, Wanda steps in with a reminder to Carol about what she said before her sentence began. Something that will help her finally escape, but Enchantress is not done with Captain Marvel yet.

The Story: Thompson delivers a story filled with great dialogue, emotion and humor. I like seeing these powerful characters come to their realization about who Carol Danvers is. The story has a great build up and the drama continues to be engaging. I really enjoyed how Enchantress upped the stakes towards the end of the story. Definitely makes me interested in seeing what happens next.

The Art: Lopez and Frigeri deliver some impressive visuals throughout the issue. The art is fun, evocative and visually engaging.

Captain Marvel #40



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