Captain Marvel #24
Marvel Comics
Written by Kelly Thompson
Art by Lee Garbett and Belen Ortega
Colors by Antonio Fabela
Letters by Clayton Cowles
The Rundown: Carol and her allies discover paradise among the ruin and the dark minds behind it.
Carol and her team are invited into New Atlantis by the mysterious Ove who shows them all the wonder and splendor of the world he has created. As they tour the seemingly idyllic landscape, Carol is wary of how affable and welcoming the ruler has been. After being invited to dinner, Carol sits with Ove as he tells her the tragic story of how he came to be on the surface and the fate of his father Namor.

After learning more about Ove, Carol is determined to discover what secrets he is hiding and the location of her missing allies. After she and her team begin to explore, they discover that Ove’s allies are not helping him voluntarily and that one of them is the reason that Carol has been brought to the future in the first place. Carol and company will also discover that there is more to Ove then they thought. Especially when they meet his mother.
The Story: Kelly Thompson crafts a great story full of suspense and surprises. Ove is an interesting character and his interactions with Carol are tense and engaging. There are some great moments throughout this story and the dialogue is well done. Ove’s back story is great as well and pivots beautifully into the revelations of how he powers his city as well as who his mother is and what part she plays in his plans.
The Art: Garbett and Ortega bring some great visuals to this issue. The contrast is styles is well executed and both parts of the story meld together seamlessly. A great looking issue.