Borealis #3

Dark Horse Comics

Written by Mark Verheiden and Aaron Douglas

Art by Cliff Richards

Colors by Guy Major

Letters by Jim Campbell

The Rundown: Sil learns the truth about her past and how it is connected to the dark power she possesses.

In the wake of the attack on the hospital, Sil’s show of power finally manages to run off Ponzi’s crew. After her grandmother wakes up, she finally learns the truth about the one person she never knew, her father. After discovering his connection to some dark secrets and how his actions affected her mother, Sil is confronted by the chief.

After answering a call that becomes an obvious trap, Sil finds herself facing Ponzi’s men as well as some new threats. After being confronted by the chief again, Sil finds herself manifesting her dark power to get revenge on the men who wronged her.

The Story: Verheiden and Douglas bring this part of the arc to a dramatic and entertaining conclusion. Sil’s tragic story is compelling and her ability to empower herself physically and emotionally are great metaphors. I really love the world of this story and the bigger world its teasing both for the corruption Sil is facing and the threat her father will definitely become.

The Art: Richards delivers some beautiful art in the issue. The visuals perfectly capture the drama and visual thrills of the story.

Borealis #3



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