Antarctica #6

Image Comics

Written by Simon Birks

Art by Willi Roberts

Colors by Willi Roberts

Letters by Lyndon White

The Rundown: Hannah spends the holidays with her father and begins to believe something is wrong.

It’s Christmas Eve and young Hannah says goodbye to her sister as she and her father will be spending the holiday together. Unfortunately, her father is keeping some big secrets from her. Secrets that will bring him to his own secret base and an experiment that will be directly connected to him.

To make matters more complicated, young Hannah is beginning to believe that something is wrong with her entire world.

The Story: Things are getting more intense in this new arc and I love not only the twists the story takes, but how the connection to Hannah’s father is being revealed. The world of this story is rich, unique and filled with tension. There is a wonderful dark tone to this issue that had me engaged from start to finish as I watched the subtle moments with young Hannah and how she is starting to put things together.

The Art: Roberts delivers some beautifully detailed and visually immersive art throughout the issue.

Antarctica #6



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