Amazing Fantasy #2

Marvel Comics

Written by Kaare Andrews

Art by Kaare Andrews

Letters by Joe Sabino

The Rundown: The displaced heroes must find a way to survive the unknown land they find themselves on.

Peter Parker awakens to a new world. With Uncle Ben voicing his regret at leaving the young man too soon, Peter and Ben find themselves teaming with the tribe that took them in and Peter gets closer to the beautiful leader of the group Fey. At the same time, Steve Rogers finds himself in another village and discovering its dark secret. A secret that will force Steve to act and depose their leader in order to prepare the village to defend itself against its common enemy. An act that will force the former leader to reach out to a dangerous enemy to regain his power.

Natasha is changed into new clothes and brought before the king of the realm. She quickly discovers that she has been chosen to be the king’s new wife and their union will bring stability to the region. After running away from the throne room, Natasha discovers assassins waiting to kill the king and quickly moves in to help. On another island away from the group, a familiar face watches events and prepares for war.

The Story: Andrews continues to craft a fun and entertaining story that keeps the core of these characters true while putting them into a new situation that is both new and inventive. What makes the story more interesting is the different scenarios these characters find themselves in will eventually lead to conflict and the fact that each character has been taken from a time when they never met each other will make the drama more compelling. I cannot wait to see where this story goes next.

The Art: Andrews delivers some beautiful and engaging visuals throughout the issue. The style is brilliant and harkens back to some great fantasy art of the past. The art perfectly fits with the story and its aesthetic.

Amazing Fantasy #2



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