Wonder Woman #773
DC Comics
Written by Michael W Conrad and Becky Cloonan
Art by Travis Moore
Colors by Tamra Bonvillain
Letters by Pat Brosseau
The Rundown: Diana seeks out the Valkyries to end the conflict keeping her friend from returning.

Diana and Ratatosk have made their way to the fortress of the Valkyries seeking to know why they will no longer return the souls of the dead. Diana makes her way into the castle and finds that her presence was not only expected, it continues to remain unwanted. When pressed on the subject of why the Valkyries are behaving differently, Diana discovers why.
Unfortunately, her discussion with the Valkyries is interrupted by the presence of Thor and his army of Asgardian warriors. As the two sides clash, Diana is forced to step into the middle of the conflict and deal with Thor’s forces. Forces that are under the influence of one of her more persistent foes.
The Story: Conrad and Cloonan bring this arc to a satisfactory conclusion by employing Wonder Woman in a manner that speaks to the core of the character. There is some great dialogue in this issue and the humor and heart work really well to deliver a story that is highly entertaining. As much fun as the story is, it gets really interesting towards the end as Wonder Woman begins the next part of her journey and I cannot wait to see what happens when she does.
The Art: Travis Moore delivers some great visuals. There is a lot of action in this issue and Moore crafts those scenes exceedingly well. A great looking issue from start to finish.