The Super Bowl has come and gone and the best part of it still lingers in the air; the movie trailers.


Last night a new spot for the upcoming Avengers Endgame aired and it featured new footage from the Marvel Studios blockbuster. In case you didn’t catch it, you can check it out here.

The new footage adds some additional context to some of the unanswered questions the first official trailer left us with.

What is the world like post snap?


According to the new footage, the world has gotten a lot darker. Visually, it looks like there are fewer people and the ones who remain try to find a way to cope with the loss. One of those ways is through support groups and it looks like Steve Rogers is an active member of one.

How is Tony Stark going to get back to Earth?


In the first trailer, it looked bleak for everyone’s favorite genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist. With oxygen running low, food running out and power fading, Tony recorded a final message for Pepper Potts to find after his death. Now it looks like Tony is going to get up off the mat, remember who he is and get on with the hard work of fixing the Benatar alongside Nebula.

Everything Else


The rest of the footage shows the team gearing up for the upcoming Endgame through a series of quick cuts. The team walking through the grounds of Avengers HQ, Rocket paying someone a visit (possibly Thor), Black Widow taking aim, Ant-Man is a full-fledged Avenger now, Thor is in full brood, Hawkeye is ridin’ Ronin and………

Cap gets his shield back!!!!!


Avengers Endgame opens in theaters April 26, 2019.

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