Thor #34

Marvel Comics

Written by Toruńn Gronbekk

Art by Juan Gedeon and Sergio Davila

Inks by Juan Gedeon and Sean Parsons

Colors by Matt Wilson

Letters by Joe Sabino

The Rundown: Thor and Laussa rescue a familiar face from the clutches of Thanos.

Before being captured by Doom, Hela faces the villain in Hel and is not unfamiliar with his presence. In the past, Thor and his sister Laussa have discovered Thanos and Doom discussing the impending sacrifice of a child Thanos is about to make. At the same time, Jane confronts the spirits of Odin and his father Bor about Thor’s mission.

As Thor battles both Thanos and Doom, his sister manages to rescue the child who grows quickly into a very familiar face. Someone who plays a hand in the events from across time and space.

The Story: Gronbekk crafts an engaging story in this issue. It’s an interesting journey through time for the characters and I really enjoyed how the story and the characters come together in exciting ways. I loved the inclusion of Thanos in the story and the three way conflict between him, Thor and Doom. The plot is exciting and filled with great moments that make me excited to see where it goes next.

The Art: Gedeon and Davila deliver some beautifully detailed and thrilling art that perfectly complements the exciting and surprising story.

Thor #34



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