744461._SX1280_QL80_TTD_Star Wars #62

Marvel Comics

Written by Kieron Gillen

Art by Andrea Broccardo

Colors by GURU- eFX

Letters by Clayton Cowles

With her plan in place and Luke and Han on board, it’s time for Leia to start recruiting.

Leia has Sho-Torun in her sights and revenge on her mind as she and the other rebels spread out to find and recruit the members of her team tasked with bringing down Queen Trios and the planet itself, cutting off an economic resource for the Empire.


Their first stop is a small planet where the shape shifter they used on Mon Cala has been performing in a new show. Unfortunately, the actor has attracted some Imperial attention and Luke has to take them down quickly to get away.

Leia’s next stop will take her to Jedha where she has to convince the Partisans to leave their guerilla war of revenge against the Empire in order to fight for something bigger. Luke will take the opportunity to visit the Temple of Central Isopter in order to talk to the death cult that lives there. Finding the temple abandoned, Luke and company are going to be surprised to find out where the cult devoted to witnessing destruction has turned up.

The story is moving along at a good pace. Kieron Gillen is making the quest for recruits as engaging and entertaining as the upcoming showdown between Leia and Trios should prove to be. There are moments in the issue that drag, but the story works and the characters are great. I like that things are not easy for the rebels and putting the larger conflict on the back burner allows for the friendship between these characters to grow and evolve.

Andrea Broccardo’s art is absolutely beautiful. The characters look great and the action looks amazing.

Star Wars #62




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