large-9200384Pearl #11

DC Comics/ Jinxworld

Written by Brian Michael Bendis

Art by Michael Gaydos

Letters by Joshua Reed

The Rundown: Pearl Tanaka is poised to take over the void left by her mother and Mr. Miike, but first she has to deal with the Endo twins.

Pearl returns to her uncle and finds that her father has been freed and sent to Japan. When Uncle Saito decides that it’s time to discuss business, Pearl soon learns that the first task she needs to complete for the Yakuza is to deal with the Endo twins who have been trying to seize power in Miike’s absence.


When Pearl returns to San Francisco, she decides to take a different path with her old rivals. One that will reveal more about how her mother ran the organization and what lines she would not allow to be crossed. As Pearl deals with her newfound position and the Endo twins, forces from outside the family move in and she is warned about the risks of getting too close to Ricky.

The Story: Brian Michael Bendis continues to make the world of Pearl and its characters compelling and engaging as this issue changes Pearl’s world and introduces new threats internally and externally. Bendis does a great job of making the dialogue and the story move with a sense of immediacy and it is satisfying to see Pearl change and evolve as her life does the same. A consistently awesome read.

The Art: Michael Gaydos delivers some beautiful, stylized art that draws the readers eye to both the characters and the amazingly detailed backgrounds.

Pearl #11




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