Black Panther #5

Marvel Comics

Written by John Ridley

Art by Juan Cabal and Stefano Landini

Colors by Matt Milla

Letters by Joe Sabino

The Rundown: T’Challa’s secrets come to light and the revelations will pit him against the forces of his own nation.

Omolola stands in front of the Parliament charged with treason against Wakanda and is adamant that she is innocent while contemptuous of T’Challa for what happened. After Shuri speaks to her in her cell, she goes to her brother to look over the evidence again. Unfortunately, the evidence leads to something even worse as T’Challa confronts the head of the secret police with the evidence and finds himself being arrested by his own people.

After turning over his Black Panther suit, T’Challa escapes from custody with the help of his sister and the two must find a way to escape Wakanda and uncover the truth while the former king is hunted and one of his darkest secrets threatens to be uncovered.

The Story: Ridley continues to craft a riveting and compelling mystery in this series and this issue is no exception. Having T’Challa deal with not only his secrets being uncovered, but the growing plot against him makes for some great drama that is both suspenseful and engaging. The story has not only some great political intrigue, but awesome action that makes me excited and interested in what happens next.

The Art: Cabal and Landini deliver some great visuals in the issue. The art has a great energy and quality to its details while also giving the characters the ability to shine on the page. A great looking issue that captures the thrills of the story perfectly.

Black Panther #5



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