
Unearth #3

Image Comics

Written by Cullen Bunn and Kyle Strahm

Art by Baldemar Rivas

Letters by Crank!

The Rundown: The team below ground finds escape to be harder than they imagined as the mutations on the surface find a way to escape.

Outside the quarantine area, a military transport finds a stray dog infected with the disease affecting those in the local town. At the same time, the expedition to explore the possible source of the infection remains trapped underground and fighting for their lives.


Amelia remains blind to the danger she and the rest of the team are in as she continues to live in the grief of her missing child. The young girl traveling with them has secrets of her own as she infects one of them, forcing him to attack the others.

In another part of the cave, an injured survivor finds herself face to face with the creatures that killed her friends and that one of their own is being controlled by them. As things get worse for those below, the military discovers that the infected above ground are suddenly on the move.

The Story: Cullen Bunn and Kyle Strahm have ramped up the action and suspense in this issue. The story is engaging and the terror is palpable as things shift and turn from page to page. The mystery of what the creature is and how it operates is fascinating. I want to know more about what is going on and Bunn and Strahm keep the story moving well enough to reveal things while keeping the mystery interesting.

The Art: Baldemar Rivas delivers some beautiful and disturbing imagery in this issue. The art is captivating and I love seeing how far it is pushed in this series and this issue especially.

Unearth #3




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