The Immortal Hulk #1

Marvel Comics

Written by Al Ewing

Art by Joe Bennett

Inks by Ruy Jose

Colors by Paul Mounts

Letters by Cory Petit

The relative simplicity of this first issue makes it shine and does everything it sets out to accomplish. A desperate man attempts to rob a gas station, panics and kills everyone inside including the clerk, a twelve year old girl and the scrawny stranger who is just trying to purchase a snack. As the police and a reporter go over the events that led to the deaths of three people, one of the bodies in the coroner’s office begins to move, turning a familiar shade of green.

The perpetrator manages to make his way to the gang he owes money to when they are attacked and the young man cornered by the Hulk, but this Hulk is different. There is a menace to this iteration of the Hulk and his grin is hauntingly scary. Great work by Joe Bennett on the art in this issue. He has made Hulk into an imposing creature. Ewing does a great job of leaving a level mystery to the character and you never know what he’s going to do next, but the fact that he speaks and the way he does makes him even scarier.

What comes next for Tommy is pretty much the most you can expect as far as mercy from this new Hulk and it looks like this new series is going to bring the character back to his roots of being on the run and trying to hold back the fury inside, but with an interesting twist that almost makes you want to see this new Hulk emerge more often so you can learn more about his motivations. Ewing has made Hulk a complex anti-hero who is avenging in his own way and that it going to make for some interesting drama as well as some complex storytelling when the Hulk runs into some of his old friends.



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