Following the events of the upcoming Secret Empire storyline, Marvel went to ABC News with new details on their Summer event series Marvel: Generations.

Earlier we reported on an image released by iconic artist Alex Ross showing the latest iteration of Marvel’s iconic heroes alongside their predeseccors. Well, now we have a few more details regarding the kind of story that Marvel is going to tell.


Marvel EIC Axel Alonzo told the news organization that the series will launch on July and run through September. While there are no artists assigned to the books, writing teams are already in place. Here is a list of the pairings and their writers.

  • -Iron Man (Tony Stark and Riri Williams) – written by Brian Michael Bendis
  • -Spider-Man (Peter Parker and Miles Morales) – Brian Michael Bendis
  • -Ms. Marvel (Carol Danvers and Kamala Khan) – G. Willow Wilson
  • -Thor (Odinson and Jane Foster) – Jason Aaron
  • -Hawkeye (Clint Barton and Kate Bishop) – Kelly Thompson
  • -Hulk (Bruce Banner and Amadeus Cho) – Greg Pak
  • -Jean Grey (young and older) – Dennis Hopeless
  • -Wolverine (Logan and X23) – Tom Taylor
  • -Captain Marvel (Mar-Vell and Carol Danvers) – Margie Stohl
  • -Captain America (Steve Rogers and Sam Wilson) – Nick Spencer

According to Alonso, the story will not be a parallel universe/alternate universe event, but will happen at the same time as Secret Empire. How this will effect storylines involving Steve Rogers and Bruce Banner will be interesting to see. The ten issue arc promises to have effects on the universe proper and that the issues brought up within those stories will matter.

“We are looking to honor the legacy of the entire universe, so we are taking the iconic legacy heroes and pairing them with the new class,” Alonso said. “It very much indicates where we are going in the future with all of these characters and what we’ve been planning for some time for the universe.”

Let us know what you think. What are you looking forward to when Generations launches this July? What artists would you like to see pencil your favorite book?

Story brought to you via The Super Powered Fancast on Twitter @superpoweredfan.

Deron Generally

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