Justice League Odyssey #23

DC Comics

Written by Dan Abnett

Art by Will Conrad

Colors by Rain Beredo

Letters by Andworld Design

The Rundown: The team has one last chance to slow Darkseid down long enough for the machine to be operational.


Multiple versions of the Time Lord Epoch continue to work on a machine designed to rewrite the history of the universe and remove the threat of Darkseid from it. As he continues to work, the Odyssey team fights to stop Darkseid from taking control of it and using it for his own ends. With Darkseid weakened from the attack, his control over Cyborg begins to wain.

As he sends Victor to stop his friends, Jessica returns to reach out to her teammate. Unfortunately, it might be too little too late as a betrayal from within threatens to give Darkseid everything including the control of existence itself.

The Story: Dan Abnett does a really good job of raising the stakes and the tension in this issue. The story has been hit or miss at times, but this issue does a great job of bringing the story back to where it has been the most effective and engaging to the reader. The plot works and there are some interesting and unexpected surprises to be had throughout. I was impressed with how this issue ended and how unexpected the surprise was.

The Art: Will Conrad does some great work with the art in this issue. Every page is filled with details, but Conrad really shines in his depiction of Darkseid. The character looks imposing and powerful even in near defeat. A great looking issue.

Justice League Odyssey #23




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