Basketful of Heads #1

DC Comics/DC Black Label

Written by Joe Hill

Art by Leomacs

Colors by Dave Stewart

Letters by Deron Bennett

The Rundown: In the sleepy town of Brody Island, a young police officer and his girlfriend will find themselves in the middle of a supernatural mystery.


Liam Ellsworth is preparing to leave the island at the end of the summer and head back to school. With his job as a police officer over for now, his girlfriend June has traveled down to help him pack up and the two decide to spend some time together around the island.

On their way back into town, Liam finds his mentor Chief Calusen dealing with some escapees from Shawshank who are on the run. With the mayor panicking and night getting ready to fall, Clausen sends his young deputy and his girl to the Chief’s house to keep an eye on his wife and son. With the chief investigating a death of a local and the apparent theft of a boat, Liam and June are going to find out that the Chief’s home isn’t as safe as they thought.

The Story: Basketful Of Heads starts off relatively sedate and that is what makes it work. It doesn’t dive too quickly into its story. It allows the story to unfold with clues sprinkled throughout and allows the reader to care about the characters before thrusting them into the story. Joe Hill tackles this first issue like the first chapter in a novel. It’s a condensed introduction to the characters and I enjoyed the point in which Hill decided to end this issue. It effectively establishes what I need it to while making me interested in what’s to come.

The Art: Leomacs art does a great job of giving the story a feel for the times. I really enjoyed the look of this issue and look forward to seeing what comes next.

Basketful of Heads #1




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